PRIME Insurance Agency of Lakewood, NJ joins Americans everywhere in mourning the terrible car-ramming events in Charlottesville, Va as well as Barcelona, Spain.
The world has become a very scary place for adults as well as for children. It’s difficult to shield our kids from the evils that occur around the globe. Nevertheless, we can help them deal with the terrible things they hear by offering sound ways to react to the news.
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Parent and Child – A Candid Conversation

Parent: When you think about terrorism, not only do you feel bad for the innocent people that were affected, you worry about your own safety, right?
Child: Yes. What if a terrorist does something bad to us?
Parent: Remember that our home is very far from where these terrible things happened. It is extremely unlikely that you or I or anyone in our family would ever be hurt by a terrorist.
Parent: Are you feeling sad about what happened?
Child: Yes.
Parent: You are probably angry that bad people did something so bad to other people.
Child: Uh-huh! I’m also afraid.
Parent: You are not the only one. Everyone is very upset about this. Some people are so upset that they do not even feel anything. But that is all normal. The important thing is to talk about it, because it is not good to keep it all inside of you.
Child: Who should I speak to?
Parent: You are doing a good thing just talking to me. Don’t be afraid to speak to your teachers, friends or anyone else you want to share thoughts about this with.
Child: It was a very bad thing that happened. I can’t stop thinking about it.
Parent: Yes, it was a very bad thing. But, remember, it is not your fault. It’s important not to punish yourself for what happened. It’s a good idea not to be too focused on television coverage of the terrorist acts. It’s important to play, eat and sleep as you naturally would. This is a good time to be creative with artwork and by writing a diary about how you feel.
Child: I hate the terrorists.
Parent: That’s okay. The terrorists were bad people that killed and hurt many people. Always remember that they were individuals. Never dislike an entire group of people because of their skin color, way they dress or religion. This is a good time to share your friendship and do good things for others.
This article is part of an ongoing series of informative blogs written by PRIME Insurance Agency. PRIME Insurance is an A++-rated agency that has been recognized by the industry and more than 10,000 satisfied customers that it services with excellence. Presented with prestigious awards and appointed to do direct business with scores of the top insurance companies, PRIME shops its broad network to deliver tailored policies at competitively lowest quotes. Often available long after regular hours, PRIME is always there for customers in their times of need.
Providing all forms of nationwide coverage, including NJ cheap auto insurance, low quote commercial umbrella insurance NJ, Houston, TX property insurance, flood insurance, NJ renters insurance, NJ homeowners insurance, NJ bonds, NJ workers comp, NJ life insurance and more, PRIME can be reached via its NJ insurance website, email: PRIME [at] primeins [dot] com or direct phone number: 732-886-5751!
Summary: When a terror attack is broadcast, everyone is traumatized – all the more so a kid. Prime Insurance Agency gives you pointers on how to speak to your child about the unspeakable.
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