It’s every homeowner’s nightmare: a flood. Once you’ve experienced a flood and the waters begin to recede, there’s no time to waste in repairing the damage before destroying mold sets in.
Important Steps Following a Flood
- Contact your insurance agency about how to file a home claim if there are any damages.
- Never go back into your home if it has suffered damage to its structure; it may cave in without warning.
- Pending a professional electrician’s safety approval, do not turn on electric power.
- Pending official water safety update, drink only boiled water.
- Avoid mold buildup by immediately taking anything that is wet out of your home.
- Photograph any residue of flood waters in your home. Keep any personal property that has incurred damage as claim proof. If it is not feasible to keep a damaged item even outside of your home, photograph it before disposing.
- Compile an inventory of property that has been lost or damaged. Be sure to add when each item was purchased and the price paid for it, and be sure to affix any corresponding receipts you may have.
- Protect your hands and feet from toxic contamination by donning gloves and boots when cleaning. Moist things can be disinfected with a pine oil and bleach, then fully dried and inspected daily to ensure there is no further development of mold and mold odors.
How to File a Flood Insurance Claim

Once you have compiled your list of losses and damages, you should submit your claim by including your insurance company, policy #, most reachable phone # and email address. An insurance adjuster should be in touch with you shortly thereafter.
The adjuster is there to help you formulate your Proof of Loss document. This must be filed with your insurance company within sixty days of the flood’s occurrence. Your claim’s payment will be forthcoming following an agreement with you and your insurance company about the sum loss you suffered.
For more information on flood insurance, speak to an independent agency, experienced on the topic.
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Summary: All you need to do is tune into the weather to find out about storm and flood risks that sweep across the country and globe. Familiarize yourself with the flood insurance claim advice from PRIME Insurance Agency.
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