Runny noses, sneezing, coughing, sniffles! It’s that season again, folks – cold and flu season. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to build up your resistance to catching the germs.
Experts remain united in the efforts to combat contagious illnesses like the common cold.
Eleven Smart Home Tips from your Insurance Friends

- Clean all surfaces with disinfectants that kill germs. Shared surfaces include countertops, fridge door handles, door knobs, keyboards, tabletops, telephones.
- Train family members to cough and sneeze into their arm so that the germs will not spread.
- Tell sick members to immediately discard used tissues into a line garbage receptacle.
- Refrain from sharing eating ware, linen, blankets, pillows and personal items.
- Use disposable paper towels instead of cloth towels.
- Drink plenty of water and juice.
- Maintain a healthy balance of foods in your everyday diet.
- Let in some fresh air from a slightly opened window when the weather isn’t biting.
- Use a cool-mist humidifier to keep the dryness out and help everyone breathe easier.
- Train family members to wash hands with soap often, especially after using the bathroom.
- Replace old toothbrushes.
PRIME Insurance wishes everyone a healthy and happy winter season!
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Summary: It’s cold season, folks! Get the tips to combat the spread of germs brought to you by your insurance friends!
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