Tropical storms with the ferocity of predicted hurricanes demand a determined response that involves evacuation from targeted localities. Besides a proper home insurance policy, residents of NC, SC, VA, FL and any other danger zone need to prepare in advance by planning a family escape route, keeping a transportable radio with which to hear update disaster instructions, and stocking an emergency kit with water, non-perishable food and other essentials.
Once government officials tell you it’s time to leave, don’t wait. For your safety and protection, take care to follow precise evacuation instructions.
Safe Hurricane Evacuation Tips

- Listen closely to directives from weather stations and keep listening for updated emergency news.
- Look out for road signs placed by officials to inform you of fresh updates.
- Be mindful of driving hazards, like felled trees, power lines that are down and wind-blown debris.
- Stay alert as you drive. If you feel tired, pull to the side for a brief rest..
- Take any pets with you and deposit in a shelter.
- Once the hurricane abates, wait for instructions from the authorities before returning home.
- Contact your insurance company about related damages and loses. Submit before and after pictures, receipts and any other documentation that will help you with the claim.

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Summary: Monster hurricanes demand immediate responses. Prime Insurance highlights easy-to-follow safety tips to residents of affected areas.
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