If you are like other homeowners and renters, you welcome the first signs of an early spring with gusto! Your enthusiasm may even get you to jumpstart start your yard work. Before rolling up your sleeves and gardening gear, take a few minutes to review these tips on preventing common aches and pains associated with the chores.
Avoiding Yard-Work Injury Risks

- Do a few minutes of warm-up exercises before beginning.
- Wear long-sleeved tops and full-length pants, along with gloves, a hat and shoes that are supportive, slip-proof and comfortable.
- Keep kids and pets (yours and your neighbors’ or guests’) at bay while working in the yard.
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- Make sure to use appropriate tools that are in good working condition; follow manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.
- Avoid developing muscle pain by varying your activity and movements.
- Look out for stumbling blocks and hanging tree limbs, as well as irregular surface and sloping.
- Avoid doing stomach bends; instead stoop or kneel down with your knees.
- Resist the temptation to fill leaf bags to the top or carrying heavy bags over the shoulders.
- Place ladders securely on the ground and never climb to the uppermost rung.
- Use protective eye and ear plugs or muffs when operating powered tools.
- Don’t overdo it! Take rests when needed and remember that it’s okay if you don’t finish the job in one day!
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