Given the amount of related claims received, coupled with the research involved, the insurance industry certainly is well-versed in natural disasters.
Natural disasters result in damages, losses, human suffering and death. They include devastating floods, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, avalanches, mud and landslides, sink holes, droughts, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and more.
Learn about some catastrophic events that shook the world.
- The Valdivia Earthquake of 1960 became the most powerful earthquake on record. Occurring in S Chile it had a magnitude of 9.5 and triggered a damaging tsunami 9,000 miles further.
- Avalanches can reach speeds of 80 miles per hour in as little as 5 seconds.
- Known as the gravest natural catastrophe in modern times, the Central China Floods devastated surrounding area in 1931, impacting over fifty-one million residents.
- 2,120 degrees Fahrenheit: that’s the fiery temperature reached by lava gushing out of Hawaii’s continuously erupting Kilauea Volcano.
- Aptly dubbed The Tornado Valley in the American Plains that make up parts of Central TX, OK, Central KS, NE, Eastern SD, IA, MO, IS and IA the region experiences the most tornadoes in the entire United States.
- Tornadoes can whip up a wind reaching just above 300 miles per hour – double the speed of a hurricane!
- Hurricane Harvey resulted in an estimated $125 billion in damages – the priciest in the country’s records.
- Florida may be the Sunny State but it is also known infamously for something else: located on an uninterrupted bed of limestone that result in sinkholes, FL contributes to two thirds of related insurance claims nationwide.
- Over 100,000 wildfires rage across the US annually due to lightning striking dry or dead wood or plants and igniting a fire that spreads via winds and air.
- Except for wildfires, floods are the most common form a natural disaster in the US.

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Summary: Prime Insurance shares some un-fun facts about natural disasters.
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