A PRIME Insurance Special

With President Donald Trump declaring he will receive an annual salary of $1 and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying she would give $1 towards a proposed border wall, the widely circulated bill has attracted much attention.
RELATED: The US President that didn’t receive a salary
6 Fun Facts About $1
- The paper dollar bill is not made entirely of paper at all. Manufactured from a mix of cotton and linen with a bit of silk, the US dollar is able to withstand the test of wetness. When saturated it does not tear as paper play money does!
- The typical dollar bill is in circulation for an average of 5 years, 8 months.
- The image of an unfinished pyramid on the dollar bill symbolizes the nation’s long lasting strength and its tasks that remain in constant progression, while the 13 steps leading up to the pyramid indicate the 13 original colonies of the union.
- The ‘Eye of Providence’ on the dollar bill represents G-d’s watch over the country.
- On top of the dollar bill’s pyramid are the Latin words: ‘Annuit Coeptis’, meaning ‘G-d has approved our endeavors’; Underneath the pyramid the Latin words read, ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ which means, ‘New order of the times’. The additional Latin inscription, ‘E Pluribus Unum’, means ‘Out of the many, one’ in reference to the unification of the first 13 colonies.
- The Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI, located at the bottom of the dollar bill’s pyramid represent the year 1776 in which the Declaration of Independence was actually signed.
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Summary: President Donald Trump has informed the public about his intended annual salary of $1. PRIME Insurance highlights these fun facts about the US dollar bill.
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