Before you know it, your child will be heading back to school. Stay ahead of the game by being organized and shopping early. Not only will you rake in early savings this way, you’ll also avoid the last minute mob shopping that no one enjoys.
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Ten Back-to-School Supply Shopping Tips – Courtesy of Prime Insurance
- Get a supply list. Then, together with your child, peruse the list.
- Make an inventory of what you have from the previous year and put a check next to, indicating that it’s something you do not need to buy.
- Entice your child to recycle old school supplies by initiating a project to enhance already-used but usable items with decorative stickers.
- Don’t nix garage sales. You may be able to locate great school necessities that will give you significant savings.
- Keep your revised school supply list with you - either in your pocketbook or car - so that if you spot a sale when you happen to be at a store, you can refer to what you need and make your purchase.
- Use discretion in a choice between exotic, fancy or realistic. A decorative or fun-looking pencil may not be as efficient or school-worthy, and may even serve to distract from the learning.
- Partner with others to share bulk online or wholesale purchase prices or reach a deal with a retail store about bulk buying. This way, not only will you settle on a better than standard cost, but you'll also be able to maintain a storage of year-round school must-haves when your child runs out of basic pen, pencil, glue, paper, notebooks. Leftovers will muster savings for the supplies you won't have to buy for the next year.
- Scout for promotional campaigns where stores offer free online delivery and free stuff along with orders. Be on the alert for community health department promotions that advertise school supply handouts for bringing in kids to have their immunization shots.
- Don’t throw out promotional savings fliers and don’t be shy to show them to the cashier for extra savings you otherwise may miss out on.
- Research school/parent programs that may supplement school supply costs.
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Summary: Follow these easy tips from Prime Insurance for efficient school supply purchasing.
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