Emergencies can happen to anyone. That is why it is so important to familiarize yourself and your family with the procedure to summon help.
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911- The Number for an Emergency Situation
In the event of an emergency, you should dial or text 9-11. Your call will be answered by a professional trained to ask pertinent questions and rapidly direct your emergency to the right response team.
What is an emergency?
An emergency is an urgent situation that needs a fast response from law enforcers, fire fighters or ambulance and medical personnel.
Emergency situations can include:
- Fire
- Criminal activity
- Auto collision
- Medical crisis
Calling for anything but a true emergency contributes to an overload in the 9-11 system. Nonetheless, if you are uncertain if your situation falls under the 9-11 classification, call anyway and let the operator decide.
If you or a child dials 9-11 mistakenly, the worst thing you can do is hang up because it can lead the operator to think the worst. In this scenario, stay on the line until the operator answers and understands the number was dialed in error.
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Be Ready to Answer the Operator’s Questions

Time is always of essence in an emergency, so prepare to respond instantly to the operator’s related queries.
These can include:
- Exact location and address of the emergency
- Phone number to respond to
- What type of emergency it is
- Particular facts regarding the situation or person involved in criminal activity or injuries or physical symptoms
The operator will summon the appropriate response team and advise you on the procedure to take until help arrives. Keep on the line until the operator tells you to hang up.

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Summary: Anyone can experience an emergency. Prime Insurance spotlights the right way to make a 9-11 call in the event of a related urgent situation.
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