The headlines about a Tennessee woman involved in the fatal hit and run accident of a Rookie police officer highlight tragedies that auto insurance companies deal with too frequently.
A hit and run accident is an auto collision event wherein the offending driver deliberately leaves the scene before offering his or her information to the authorities. This can include an accident with a pedestrian or car.
If you are the victim of any sort of hit and run incident, it is advisable not to give chase. Instead, report the accident immediately to the police and file a report, using the most information you can collect. Not only will this improve the odds of law enforcement’s apprehension of the liable driver, it will also aid your auto insurance company to come to a determination in regard to your insurance claim.
Insurance Companies’ Advice about Hit and Run Information
The more info about the incident the better! Examples of things to report about the incident include:
- Make and model of the car that hit you
- License plate number of the vehicle that hit you
- Witness or witnesses’ contact information
- Time and location of the accident
- Pictures of the damage done to your car
- Doctor’s analysis about related injuries

In the event, the hit and run driver is apprehended, you can file an insurance claim through the other driver's insurance company. If, however, the driver is underinsured or does not carry any auto insurance, you can attempt to recover losses through the legal process.
In the event the driver does not have necessary coverage, your own insurance company may cover the damages. Depending on the state you live in, you may be covered if you have the following:
- Uninsured motorist bodily injury for medical injury
- Uninsured motorist property damage for car repairs
The above coverage does not pertain to OH, LA, GA, CA, IL, CO. In these states, the following may provide coverage:
- Personal Injury Protection
- Medical Payments Coverage
- Collision Coverage
For more information regarding hit and run insurance claims, related insurance deductibles and possible rate increases, speak to an experienced independent insurance agency.

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Summary: Auto insurance claims can get tricky when it involves a hit and run accident. Learn the facts with this informative article.
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