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How to Eliminate Annoying Stink Bugs in Your Home

A PRIME Insurance Special

With cooler temperatures that come along with the fall season, insects that linger are bound to seek warmer places of shelter. Once stink bugs select your home as the desired find, you can rest assured that there will be no home damage insurance claims to contend with. Nonetheless, the repercussions of becoming a landlord to these tenants are far from pleasant.   

Autumn’s Shelter-Seeking Stink Bugs

The brown-colored stink bug lets off a foul smell that is bad enough in its own right. Because the odor acts as an alert system for fellow stink bugs to occupy a home, it becomes all the more challenging.

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How a Stink Bug Enters Your Home

Problem: Open doors, windows and the smallest of gaps, including holes in screens, between air conditioning units, vents, etc. allow access

Solution: Sealing all openings, cracks and spaces with weather stripping, silicone caulking, screening

Problem: Rotting and holey wood on exterior of house where stink bugs nest

Solution: Replacing rotting wood on window sills, siding or decks


How to Rid Your Home of the Pests

Though you may think crushing the bug is an answer, resist the itch. Squeezing a stink bug to death will not only kill it, but also release its stench – something you will want to avoid. The following list of bug-killing ideas will serve your needs better.

  • Envelope a bug within the folds of a piece of toilet paper. Toss it in the toilet and flush it down.

  • Fill a container with soapy water. Flip the bug into the water and cover the top of the container with a piece of paper. The bug will die within minutes.

  • Purchase a specially designed stink bug trap with a killing solution that eliminates the bugs.

  • Hire a professional exterminator to rid your home of an infestation.  

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Summary: Home dwellers that contend with stink bugs need not worry about filing home insurance claims. Though home damage does not result from infestation, the pesky insects are highly annoying.   


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