Hunting and fishing clubs own or lease tracts of land and have a membership of hunters and fishermen that pursue the outdoor sport. Adventure and excitement aside, these venues are exposed to a host of liability risks. This is why related insurance coverage is a necessity.
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Hunting and fishing club insurance includes a special property liability coverage for owned or leased land. It can protect the club and hunting members from bodily injury or property claims from members, employees, guests and even trespassers. It can also cover legal fees in the event of a lawsuit.

Other forms of coverage can be grouped together with the above insurance for a package policy that can include:
- Business Interruption Insurance
- Employment Practices Liability
- Cyber Insurance
- Inland Marine Insurance
- Equipment Breakdown Insurance
- Crime Insurance
- Commercial Auto
- Commercial Umbrella
- Workers Comp
Hunting and fishing club insurance is based on an individual analysis:
- Is it privately or individually-owned?
- How many acres?
- Fenced or posted property?
- How near to public roads?
- What are the approximate revenues?
- How many hunting or fishing calendar days?
To discuss your hunting or fishing club’s insurance needs, as well as other add-on coverage options, speak to an agent at Prime Insurance Agency’s commercial lines department.

PRIME Insurance is a three-generation family-run independent agency. We’re proud to partner with many of the leading underwriters – recognized companies like ACE, AmTRUST, ASI, ASSURANT, CHUBB, CNA, Employers, FOREMOST, Liberty Mutual, MetLife, PROGRESSIVE, Safeco, StillWater, Travelers, USLI, ZURICH and more. This gives us the ability to provide all forms of nationwide coverage and bonds at competitively lowest quotes. Visit us on our online insurance website or email us at PRIME@primeins.com or call us at 732-886-5751 and HAVE A PRIME DAY™!
Summary: The hunting or fishing club faces enormous exposure to liability. Prime Insurance summarizes related commercial insurance coverage in this short write-up.
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