One in 200: those are the chances of your home being stuck by lightning, as per the National Lightning Safety Institute.
The statistic, along with a 2015 insurance study citing related damages above the $825 mark, is enough to concern homeowners.
Fortunately for a victimized home owner, standard home insurance will cover damages from a lightning strike. Of note though is that coverage is only up to the limits of the individual policy.
Related losses can include:
- Damaged personal property, such as electronics and appliances
- House and property damages incurred from a fire started by a direct lightning hit

More on Home Insurance and Lightning Strikes
An electric surge triggered by a lightning strike can seriously impair connected personal electronics. The potential of personal property losses can be enormous. With reimbursement for actual cash value – current cost of comparable merchandise, minus depreciation – part of standard coverage, it may be advisable to think about adding replacement cost coverage to your homeowners insurance.
It is also wise to check your policy if it includes additional living expenses, in the event related fire damages render your home unlivable for the duration of repair work or rebuilding.
In addition, taking a complete inventory of your personal articles before a possible disaster strikes can make it easier for you when filing a claim.
Every homeowner has his or her individual exposures and needs. Speak to a professional insurance agency about reviewing your current homeowner’s insurance policy to be assured your coverage protects you, your family and your assets the way it accurately should.

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Summary: A standard home insurance policy lists lightning as one of the perils it covers.
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