for ME?
The cop that pulled me over at the Jersey Shore immediately following Super Storm Sandy must have had a heart of stone. Trying to explain the challenges of a wind-torn beach house and my present resulting semi-homeless status did nothing in evading the Ocean County Court Summons for failing to make a complete stop at the corner sign. Add that to the two accidents that I caused due to icy road conditions and my prospects of renewing car insurance sure appears flimsy!
Even if your driving record is imperfect you can find cheap insurance.
Whether you have a less than flawless driving history or a couple of young male drivers in your household, your chances for acquiring inexpensive NJ car insurance still remain good. Familiarizing yourself with the basic principles will actually get you a long way in saving dollars.
How much is car insurance?
7 Ways to Control NJ auto insurance costs
- Opting for a higher Collision and Comprehensive deductibles: Usually, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Weigh the risk of being involved in an accident and having to pay more out of the pocket against the savings that go along with this choice.
- Choosing a Vehicle-related Health Insurance as primary: Check first with your health care insurer to see if you can select this option to save on premiums.
- Selecting a higher deductible and/or a lower PIP limit on your Personal Injury Protection.
- Electing for a Limitation on Lawsuit Option: This puts a cap on your ability to sue for pain and suffering, but not on death or permanent injury.
- Buying an older make of car: Because insurance costs vary from company to company, research insurance prices of different makes and models so that your savings will be optimized.
- Locking in company discounts: Insurance companies may offer discounts if you have multiple cars on one policy, you are covered by different plans such as homeowner’s, renter’s or life insurance that with the same company, your vehicle has safety features vehicle that include anti-lock brakes, air bag and passive restraint systems and anti-theft recovery systems, young drivers on the policy have ‘good student’ verification indicating a maintenance of a B or higher grade point average, if you complete an approved defensive driving course that the state mandates discounts for.
- Partnering with a reputable, independent insurance agency, like PRIME Insurance: Although insurance matters can be complex, the right agency can facilitate the smartest insurance deal for you. They will listen to you so that they understand your individual requirements. Once they have assessed your true needs, they will expertly advise and guide you accordingly, as they shop for the best quotes with leading companies.
For information about all types of car insurance log onto or contact us by clicking here.
Even if you have less than a perfect driving record, you have options that may lower your car insurance premiums. Researching your choices will give you a selection on how to save money. Beware, however: insurance matters can be complex! Partnering with a reputable independent insurance agency like PRIME Insurance Agency that has your best interest in mind will ensure the smartest insurance deal for you.

PRIME Insurance is a three-generation family-run independent agency. We’re proud partners with many of the leading companies in the industry – big names such as ACE, AmTRUST, ASI, ASSURANT, CHUBB, CNA, Employers, FOREMOST, Liberty Mutual, MetLife, PROGRESSIVE, Safeco, StillWater, Travelers, USLI, ZURICH and more. This gives us the ability to provide all forms of nationwide coverage and bonds at competitively lowest quotes. Visit us on our online insurance website or email us at or call us at 732-886-5751 and HAVE A PRIME DAY™!
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