A PRIME Insurance Special
New Year’s Day Trivia
- As per the National Insurance Crime Bureau, there are more auto thefts on New Year’s Day than any other holiday day on the calendar.
- Tradition has it to celebrate the New Year’s arrival with a bottle of champagne. Given the fact that 360 million goblets of the sparkling alcoholic drink are downed over the holiday, that’s an awful lot of bottles!
- Close to half of US citizens personalize a New Year’s resolution of change for themselves. .
- The most popular New Year’s resolution include the following: losing weight, eating healthier, e exercising more, becoming more patient, budgeting better,becoming more organized, securing a desirable job and working on improving social skills.
- People in Columbia, Cuba and Puerto Rico share an interesting New Year tradition: family members first stuff a big doll, called Mr. Old Year with things that remind them of the past year; then when the clock strikes 12, heralding in the New Year, the doll is burned to say goodbye to bad events.
- The custom of some to eat black-eyed peas and cabbage is seen as a god omen of success for the coming year
- The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, is commemorated in September according to the Bible’s world creation date.
RELATED: how the Bible depicts the world’s greatest flood
Season’s Greetings! PRIME Insurance wishes all Americans a year of health, happiness and good; a year in which peace reigns across the globe!
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Summary: Bet you don't know at least some of these fun facts brought by PRIME Insurance about the New Year!
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