Payroll can be a real hassle for any business. Using a company that focuses on providing payroll not only saves time, it also helps maintain and record precise calculations and allocation of wages and associated taxes.
RELATED: Various workers comp options for various businesses
As for getting workers comp insurance through a payroll provider – while this may seem like an enticingly convenient option, you actually may be better off going straight to an experienced insurance agency.
This is because the payroll provider cannot offer the same accuracy, options, discounts and advice that those immersed in the industry - and workers compensation - can.
Further, think about the following issues when contemplating the use of a payroll provider for workers compensation:

- Is the yearly workers compensation premium at a competitive rate?
- Will you be presented with a dividend payment?
- Is there risk control support?
- What kind of employer’s liability limits are there?
- What is the payroll company’s EMR (experience modification rate used to evaluate previous injury costs and future likelihood of injury)?
- What is your business’s EMR if evaluated separately?
Every business has its own considerations. The best way of assessing whether or not a payroll company can offer an optimum workers comp option is to address how your company may or may not benefit from it. For further assistance in understanding your individual workers compensation needs and the best method of acquiring protective coverage, speak to an experienced insurance professional.

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Summary: Though using a payroll providing service for workers compensation may be enticing, every business should examine if this manner of acquiring the coverage is in its best interest.
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