In the business world, a near-miss is the term used for a minor mishap that could have resulted in a worker’s injury, death or property loss.
As far as risk-control, the insurance companies eye these ‘minor accidents’ as important things to spotlight, learn from, and properly address in order to prevent a true accident.
Employees should be encouraged to report related incidents.
These may involve:
- hazardous work conditions
- risky work practices
- incorrect usage of equipment
- equipment failure

The following are several common case scenarios:
- A staff-member trips over an electrical cord. He grabs the chair so as to avoid falling.
- The exit door swings open just as an employee was about to walk in. The entering employee steps back and avoids getting hit. .
- In place of a ladder, an office worker uses a flimsy box to reach for something. The box folds under her weight as she falls. Luckily, she is not hurt.
- A construction worker jumps out of the way just as a hammer falls from the hands of another guy working above.
- An employee walks into the clear glass wall in the conference room. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.
Encouraging your employees to report near-misses not only can prevent an accident, it can help you save money on your insurance premium. Speak to the professionals at Prime Insurance to learn about associated commercial insurance or workers compensation credits or discounts.

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Summary: Businesses that encourage employees to contribute to risk management by reporting near-misses can prevent accidents resulting in property loss, injury and even death. Learn what to look out for and how associated risk management can also help companies save on related insurance premiums.
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