A Special PRIME Insurance Communication
Sobriety checkpoints are the exception to the invasion of privacy rules established by law to protect human rights. This is due to the severe repercussions occurring when driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
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Because of the possibility of a fatal or injury-related auto accident, police officers throughout the country have authority to check drivers for sobriety. On July 11th in the Garden State for example, law enforcing troopers will be setting up another key DUI checkpoint at the PNC Arts Center of Holmdel, NJ.
Notwithstanding the argument for the checkpoints, there are regulations set down by the National Highway Safety Transportation that must be adhered to.
These include the following tenets.
- The checkpoint and procedure must be authorized by state and municipal officials.
- Police cannot stop a vehicle at random, but as part of a prevailing yardstick of procedure.
- The sobriety checkpoint should be noticeably marked indicating it is sanctioned as such.
- The duration of the checkpoint should last for a brief span during one day.
- A checkpoint vehicle-stop must not take longer than needed and not cause excessive strain on drivers.
- Good safety measures should be taken to protect the police conducting the checkpoint, as well as drivers undergoing the inspection.
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can lead to devastating results. In the event you observe suspicious driving, dial 7-7 on the driver-tip hotline. Using a hand-fee cell phone, describe the car in question and those inside and give a location and the direction in which it is going, as well as the license plate if you have noted it.
If you plan on drinking, be sure to avoid driving. Appoint a designated driver, coordinate another way to get to your destination or to simply remain at the place you are.

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Summary: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can cause devastating vehicular accidents. Learn about official sobriety checkpoints set up by law enforcers in this important notification by Prime Insurance.
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