Say No to Drunk Driving in Indiana, in NJ - and Everywhere
Dan Shragel, a police officer for the Indianapolis, Indiana force, is a hero. After all, having arrested close to 4,000 drivers under the influence of alcohol over the years certainly puts him in the category of making life safer for everyone.
On August 22nd, 2015, the impetus to rid the streets of intoxicated drivers took on an ironic twist of fate and tragedy: his 22-year-old daughter, Kristin Burton, was killed by a pickup truck that was driven by a man suspected of being drunk.
“I will…try to stop another mother or father from burying their child,” declares Officer Shragel, 48. The resolve is emphasized as he continues, “I need to do everything I can to make sure no other family goes through what we’ve gone through.”
Driving Under the Influence in NJ
Driving under the influence of alcohol in the State of NJ will get you stiff punishment. As in other states, NJ has an implied consent law. This means that you are required to submit yourself to a breath test. Refusing could lead to detention, having a blood sample taken and penalties.
Drinking and Driving? NJ General Liability is Graver than You Think!
It’s the law: any individual who has a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of 0.08% or more and drives is accountable for drunk driving.
It’s the law: Having less of a concentration is no insurance that a driver is off the hook. If a driver demonstrates impaired vehicle operation and has less than the specified BAC, he or she may still be convicted for drunk driving.
NJ First Offense Penalties
You drive with 0.08% BAC or more, yet a lesser amount than 0.10%; or you allow another driver (with 0.08% BAC or more, yet a lesser amount than 0.10%) to drive. You may be subject to:
- A $250 to $400 fine
- Up to 30 days of jail time
- Suspended license for 30 days
- Minimum two successive 6-hour daily attendance at Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
- Annual NJ auto insurance overcharge of $1,000 annually for three years
You drive with a BAC of 0.10% or more; or you allow another driver (with a BAC of 0.10%) to drive. You may be subject to:
- A $300 to $500 fine
- Up to 30 days of jail time
- Seven month – one year suspended license
- Minimum two successive 6-hour daily attendance at Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
- Annual auto insurance NJ overcharge of $1,000 for three years
You drive with a BAC of 0.15% or more. You must:
- Connect an ignition interlock mechanism to the principle vehicle you operate throughout license suspension
- Have ignition interlock in place for an additional six month – one year timespan following license reinstatement.
Access http://www.nj.gov/oag/hts/downloads/dui-bro-eng.pdf for further penalty info.
PRIME Insurance Joins the Battle
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