The educational community has enough exposure to liability that it can fill insurance claims books of examples.
Related: how NJ teachers and school staff members can take advantage of related auto insurance discounts
School Insurance
There are many types of schools. Whether a specialty school, higher educational facility or a standard type of educational institution, there are definite risks faced by all. The insurance industry has responded by provided tailored coverage options and programs.
These exclusive programs include the following:
- Commercial Property Coverage
- General Liability Coverage
- Crime Coverage
- Inland Marine Coverage
- Equipment Breakdown Coverage
- Electronic Data Processing Equipment Coverage
- Fine Arts Coverage
- Abuse and Molestation Coverage
- Corporal Punishment Coverage
- Employee Benefits Liability Coverage
- Auto Coverage
- Umbrella Liability Coverage
- Workers Comp
- Educators Legal Liability Coverage
RELATED: the tragic correlation between gun shootings and schools

Educators Professional Liability Insurance
Educators Liability insurance shields school districts from lawsuits directed toward board members, faculty, staff, student-teachers and volunteers.
Associated coverage includes lawsuits related to acts, errors and omissions or bodily injury that is caused by student interaction. This coverage includes corporal punishment as well.
Insurance companies weigh things like prior coverage, litigation history, the ratio between students and teachers, and how the school district is managed before providing insurance.
Professional Liability for the Individual Teacher or School Employee
Does an individual teacher or school employee need his or her own professional liability insurance policy?
The rise in cellphone and social media use as well as lawsuits and the possibility that a district’s coverage may not be adequate enough to protect the individual employee, more teachers and other associated staff members have opted for personal insurance coverage. Speaking to an experienced independent insurance agent, familiar with coverage options, may help you determine what’s right for you.

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Summary: Schools, educational institutions, teachers and school employees need specific insurance coverage.
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