For those seeking an alternative approach to pain and maladies, the acupuncture specialist and chiropractor can offer the solution. On the other hand, these specialists face a host of unique risks that beg to be addressed in a tailored insurance policy. The following is a brief overview of the respective policies needed.
Acupuncture Specialist Insurance
Acupuncture relies on the insertion of needles into particular spots in the body to manage stress and pain. Though generally regarded as alternative medicine, of late it has become part of a trend that acknowledges the practitioner as a member of the health care system. Related insurance deals with general liability as well as the professional liability aspect to acupuncture application and can protect from loss of reputation and loss of income, among other things.

Chiropractor Insurance
Chiropractic doctors are regarded as health care professionals that confront the same kind of lawsuit exposure that other health specialists do. Related insurance deals with professional liability and shields the policyholder from claims regarding injury from contended malpractice, error or mistake in rendering or failing to render suitable chiropractic servicing.
Comprehensive insurance can also include:
- Risks associated with chiropractic license forfeiture
- Occurrence/Claims- Made coverage
- Cyber Security
For more on the topic, it is advisable to speak to a knowledgeable and experienced independent insurance agent.

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Summary: Are you an acupuncture specialist or chiropractor? Find out why others like you need specific insurance designed for your professional specialty.
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