A general contractor is considered the primary contractor – one who hires subcontractors and oversees as well as manages a construction site, building plan or enterprise.
Insurance is individualized according to the project or assignment.
Apartment or Condo General Contractor Insurance
General contractors who manage apartment and condo construction usually work on the carpentry aspect while subcontracting the other tasks. This insurance business class has become harder to place, especially in the western and southeastern parts of the country. This is because of related mold and building defect insurance claims.
Industrial or Warehousing General Contractor Insurance
The general contractor that is hired to oversee industry or warehouse tasks works directly with building owners to advance heavy equipment installation. Such projects may involve long term periods and may be dependent upon manufacturer dates.

While employed subcontractors do the majority of the construction work, it is the general contractor that superintends the entire project.
Of particular note is that a portion of the exposures related to builders risk can be significant.
Non-Residential or Non-Industrial General Contractor Insurance
Those general contractors that build other types of commercial buildings usually focus on the particular range of the project. Lesser projects might consist of strip shopping centers and retail kinds of buildings. Bigger projects may involve high-rise office buildings.
Understandably, the risks differ according to size of the project. Nonetheless, the majority of general contractors confine their responsibilities to jobsite management over the work done by their subcontractors.
For further info on insurance coverage for the general contractor, confer with an experienced and qualified independent insurance agent.

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Summary: The varying specialties of the individual general contractor calls for individualized insurance coverage.
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