Generally speaking, a bar is the spot where folks meet, drink alcoholic beverages and enjoy the camaraderie and any offered entertainment.
Due to related perils, loss history, and client base, property and liability insurance coverage is hard to place on this class.
Bars run the full gamut of society and can be located in high crime areas of the city as well as in more remote spots that leave them exposed to theft of alcoholic beverage stock and cash in the register.
For those bars that still allow smoking, the explosion exposure when combined with the stock of alcohol is something of concern.
As for liability, the hazards involve the regular slips and falls on premises as well as in the parking lots. Though a common risk for all businesses, bars have the added worry of customers’ diminished judgment and impaired reflexes due to alcoholic intake.
Some bars have live entertainment, dances, games and various competitions. All of these can substantially upsurge the risk of losses.
While every bar has indirect liquor liability exposures, the extent of liability is dependent on individual state laws.

The related insurance claims are manifold. Below are two examples.
Two minors were served beer at a local bar. Shortly thereafter, they left. While driving home, their car swerved into the opposing lane’s traffic and crashed into a tractor trailer. The truck’s driver suffered extensive injuries. The truck driver filed a lawsuit against the bar for negligent service, as well as failure to adequately train the bartenders.
Two underage friends entered a bar. The bartender neglected to request proper identification. The two left the bar under the influence of the beer they drank. The teenage driver lost control of his car and collided into a telephone pole. The other teen sitting in the passenger seat suffered extensive injury. The injured teen’s parents filed a lawsuit against the bar for unlawfully serving alcohol to a minor.
Interested in further information about bar insurance? Prime Insurance is at your service for a free consultation.

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Summary: Like the restaurant and pub that sells liquor, bars have the added exposure linked to liquor liability besides other insurance concerns.
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