The poultry farmer has basic concerns about commercial property losses in regard to storm, flood, fire or bug or rodent infestation and equipment breakdown. But there are other grave worries.
Recent salmonella warnings in CO, FL, NJ, NY, NC, PA, SC and WV have resulted in a recall of over 200 million eggs. Aside from a serious business loss for the producer, the potential for lawsuits underscores the need for associated insurance coverage for anyone in the industry.
Poultry Farm Insurance

Poultry Farm Insurance shields the poultry raising farm and feed mills as well as financial societies tied to the farms through investment in sizable flocks of poultry bred as broilers, breeders, or egg layers.
Policies are generally written as all risks, utilizing insurance forms and plans specifically created for the business. Coverage typically also incorporates death by climatic conditions, like temperature and humidity within the farm facilities, as well as while being transported.
The following are also included in liability risks for the poultry farmer:
• Wrongful application of chemicals
• Storage tank and/or pond leaks
• Cruel conditions for the poultry Certain poultry farm insurance policies do contain contamination coverage in addition to the standard.
For more about poultry farm insurance coverage, speak to an experienced independent agent who will be able to guide you in your individual needs and in understanding all important terms and conditions within the policies.

PRIME Insurance is a leading independent insurance agency, noted for its excellence by being appointed to do direct business with over 40 of the fore-running companies across the country and globe. This wide-spread recognition enables us to shop a wider network and find all forms of Property and Casualty insurance that is tailor-made to your needs, at the lowest competitive pricing. Find us on the web or contact us at 732-400-5242 or at PRIME [at] primeins [dot] com and see for yourself what the PRIME difference can do for you.
Summary: Salmonella is one of the chief concerns the poultry farmer has on his or her head. Prime Insurance outlines the benefits of related coverage here.
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