Insurance for Coin Operated Laundromats and Dry Cleaners
If you run a coin-operated dry cleaning or laundry service, you already know about the distinct exposures you face – both in regard to property and liability risks. The insurance industry knows about them as well, and this is why many companies offering standard policies do not want to cover insurance for your niche of business. Others offer it as a specialty insurance program.
Property risks include the hazards associated with unattended or under-attended laundry business sites:
- Losses resulting from fire and explosions erupting from combustible dry cleaning solvents
- Losses due to acts of vandalism and malicious mischief
- Losses from theft

Related liability risks include:
- Hazards associated with defective and reckless operation of equipment
- Hazards linked to seeping of toxic fumes
- Hazards connected to unruly behavior of unsupervised children and teens
Various insurance providers have created package policies for the coin-operated dry cleaner and laundry business. Due to the latest trend to include tanning beds, alcohol sales and other appeals in some laundry locations more insurance concerns have been added.
For further information about insurance for the coin-operated dry laundromat and dry cleaner, speak to a qualified independent agent that has the experience and knowhow involved in related coverage.

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Summary: The coin-operated laundry and dry cleaning business has unique risks that a specialized insurance policy can address.
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