Whenever you go away for a few days or longer, there are some important things to take care of before you take your leave.
Whether it’s for the holiday season or simply vacation time, Lakewood, NJ Police Chief Greg Meyer, urges locals and others traveling away for an extended period to take the following steps in protecting their home and home and personal possessions from a burglar’s actions.
A Quick Guide to Preventing a Home Theft
- Remember to leave some lights on inside your home. If you can schedule lights going on and off at different intervals during a 24-hour time-span, all the better.
- Leave a vehicle parked on your driveway.
- Make sure every entry and window is locked, including those in any parked vehicle on your property.
- Never leave a valuable item outside your property or where others can see it even if it is inside your home or car.
- Piled up newspapers, magazines or mail are a sure giveaway to criminals that you are away. Have a neighbor or friend to get these and save them until your return or request a temporary stop to delivery during your vacation.
- Tell a neighbor or friend to watch for suspicious activity and give them a phone number where you can be reached in case a situation calls for it.
And one more thing from your insurance friends: review your home or renters insurance policy to make sure you have the proper coverage in case you become the victim of a theft or other loss.

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Summary: A quick summary from the Lakewood, NJ police station about theft risks while you are away during the holiday or vacation season. A Prime Insurance Special Report!
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