If even one person gets sick while on the job, chances are there’s going to be others that will as well. From the business perspective, that’s not good even if it does not relate to workers comp claims or expenditures.
As per the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of every five people will get the flu every year, translating into a stunning $87 billion dollar loss to the general economy. Here are some handy tips to help you and your workers stay healthy.
Seven Tips to Keep Sickness away from the Business
- Maintain regular office cleanliness by using a professional cleaning service.
- Make sure your office has the necessary supplies that help stop disease from spreading. Keep boxes of tissues, paper towels, soap, disinfectants, and anti-germ wipes accessible to all employees.
- Remind your employees about common-sense steps to prevent the spread of germs, like covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, disposing of used tissues, washing hand with soap and water after touching surfaces that may be contaminated, and staying away from others that are sick.
- Urge office workers to periodically wipe down their desks, key boards and other personal items that may carry germs.
- Let your employees know that it is important to stay home if they catch a cold or get the flu. Prepare for the scenario by investing in a backup employee or remote hookups where a contagious employee can still work at home.
- Post signs that tell employees and visitors to avoid contact with others if they are sick.
- Encourage or require workers to get the flu shot.
Keep healthy! With the flu and cold season upon us, PRIME Insurance advises all to take the necessary precautions against sickness.

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Summary: Any business suffers when employees get sick. Prime Insurance highlights 7 important ways to keep your workers from catching the flu, cold or other infectious diseases.
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