Say the words fire and factory and many will associate them with the infamous NY City Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911. Recent factory fires in Bangladesh echo the tragedy that resonates with a demand for change by US business people and customers.
RELATED: how to save a family from a home fire
The following is a quick overview of fire risk prevention for the workplace and the like.
Fourteen Ways to Keep Fire Away from the Business

- Clear exit signs should be posted on doors.
- All entrances and exits should be unlocked and accessible when employees are in the building.
- Smoke and fire detectors should be in good working order.
- Fire alarm bells should be working.
- Working fire extinguishers should be accessible.
- Employees should be instructed on proper fire extinguisher use.
- An overhead sprinkler system should be in place.
- Chemicals should be stored in tightly closed, fire resistant chests.
- No smoking near combustibles.
- Wires and cords should be unexposed and placed out of way.
- Broken or threadbare wires should be repaired or replaced.
- Fire safety inspections should be conducted on regular basis.
- Factory materials and products should be neatly stored.
- Doors and corridors should be unobstructed.
PRIME Insurance cautions businesses, homes, dormitories and other facilities where human lives are at stake in the event of fire to practice good safety procedures and have a tailored business insurance plan in place.

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Summary: History buffs recall the tragic 1911 NYC Shirtwaist Factory fire as a genuine workers tragedy. As investigation is underway for the recent New Windsor, NY cosmetics factory fire, PRIME Insurance lists fire protection tips and standards.
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