Pedestrians always face risks when it comes to vehicular traffic. Certainly night-time walking significantly magnifies the safety hazards.
The insurance industry’s familiarity with associated insurance claims has made it somewhat of an authority on offering tips on how to avoid related dangerous encounters.
9 Tips on Pedestrian Night-Time Safety
- Use walking routes that are lit up even if it means taking the longer way to your destination.
- Opt to walk in lower automobile speed zones.
- Always wear a reflector when walking during the night hours.
- Using the light from your cell phone or a flash light will boost your visibility to others.
- Pay attention to the task of walking. Do not text or do anything that will distract you.
- Always walk on the sidewalk when it is an option. Otherwise, walk on the shoulder facing oncoming traffic.
- Avoid remote areas and walk with a group of people or a companion. Not only does walking together deter criminals, it also ensures you will be there for each other in case help
is needed. - Follow traffic signals and right of way laws; cross only at designated crosswalks.
- Be on the defensive when it comes to your safety; wait until a vehicle stops before crossing.
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Summary: Walking during the darker hours makes the pedestrian all the more vulnerable to traffic dangers. Prime Insurance offers these tips on related safety.
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