Fast-food establishments that have a take-out menu and/or sit-down accommodations without waiter service have their own set of exposures that require tailored insurance coverage.
Related businesses include:
- Delicatessens
- Sub Shops
- Fried or Rotisserie chicken Take-Outs
- Restaurants
- Hamburger and Hot Dog Shops
- Cultural Food Restaurants
- Pizza Shops
- 24-Hour Prepared Food Shops
- Food Court Operations
- Internet Café Centers
- Ready-Made Meal Shops
The following are some documented insurance claims stories that underscore why the right insurance program can protect anyone in this food providing category.
Deli, Pizza, and Other Fast-Food Shops Insurance Claim Examples

Property Insurance Claim
- It was the wrong time to take a break: when a food court operator left the deep-fat fryer on while French fries sizzled, the oil overflowed and swiftly ignited a kitchen fire. Ensuing $27,000 property damage included building and personal property. Moreover, repair work required the establishment to close operations for an entire month’s time. This resulted in $14,000 loss of income, plus $10,000 of extra expenses, encompassing rent and payroll.
Commercial General Liability Insurance Claim
- A deli patron used the establishment’s restroom and fell on the freshly mopped wet floor, resulting in an arm injury. The customer brought a pain and suffering, medical bill lawsuit against the delicatessen.
- A hamburger shop began using a new vendor for frozen burgers. Subsequently, a patron complained of stomach pain that doctors confirmed resulted from related food poisoning. The customer brought a products-bodily injury lawsuit against the hamburger place.
Liquor Liability Insurance Claim
- A pizza shop owner refused to sell a customer a six-pack of beer to go because he sensed the man was drunk. Not long afterward, the customer crashed his vehicle into another car. The customer sued the pizza shop even though the owner denied any responsibility. While the pizza shop owner was ultimately vindicated, he paid $75,000 for his legal defense.
Automatic Business Coverages Insurance Claim
- An Internet café placed a neon sign on top of the establishment entrance to draw more customers. An intense winter windstorm caused the sign to fall and shatter in smithereens.
Employee Dishonesty, Money and Securities Insurance Claim
- The alarm system at a fast-food place was mistakenly not switched on at closing one evening. Although there were no indications of a criminal’s forced entry, both stock and cash seemed to be missing every time one particular employee left last. The business owner called law enforcement officers, while making an employee dishonesty and money and securities insurance claim.
Equipment Breakdown Insurance Claim
- The water heater at an ethnic food restaurant ruptured as a result of overuse. The restaurant was forced to close for 4 hours. The owners filed an equipment breakdown insurance claim.
If you are part of the fast-food industry, please contact us at Prime Insurance Agency for any questions on related insurance policies.

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Summary: Delis, Pizza Shops, Hamburger Joints and other fast-food restaurants need specially formulated insurance designed specifically for the exposures they face.
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