The 101 Days of Summer Traffic Safety Campaign
Auto insurance companies that service NJ no doubt are celebrating the new campaign initiated by the state’s Attorney General in conjunction with the Division of Highway Traffic Safety and law enforcers.
Slated for the period between the Memorial Day and Labor Day holiday weekends when heavy summer traffic and a rise in teen and alcohol impaired driving are factors leading to high accident rates with critical outcomes, the campaign aims to counter the risks.
This will be done by:
- Police vigilance for hazardous car driving and boat operation
- Having real-time traffic and accident information available on a website, 511nk.org and phone systems
- Distributing hand-outs about boat and vehicular traffic safety, including the dangers of distracted driving, the importance of buckling up seat belts, and correctly installing child safety car seats, as well as sharing the road with pedestrians and bicyclists
- Making drivers aware of the dangers of leaving children or pets in an unattended vehicle
- Operating motorist drug and alcohol sobriety tests at various checkpoints

The authorities spotlight auto and boat safety with these suggestions:
- Both drivers and passenger should wear seat belts.
- Babies and children should be correctly restrained in an approved infant or child seat.
- Help control highway traffic control by keeping in the right lane except when passing on multi-lane roadways.
- Do not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Drive within the posted speed limit.
- Do not engage in distracted driving as in texting, or talking on a cell phone while operating a vehicle.
- Keep your attention on the road while driving. Always be ready to slow down, change lanes, and to obey posted safety messages.
- Slow down when encountering emergency vehicles or construction trucks. If feasible, shift to the next lane.
- Before the summer travel season, have your oil, tires and fluid levels checked.
- Never leave an infant, child or pet inside a hot parked car.
- New drivers should be in compliance with the terms of the issued provisional license.
Prime Insurance wishes all a safe summer. For information about vehicle and boat insurance, please contact us.

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Summary: Prime Insurance shares important information about NJ’s 101-day summer traffic safety campaign.
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