The PRIME Insurance Gold Standard
At Prime Insurance, we’re accustomed to getting new customers as a result of client referrals. It all ties up with the excellence associated with PRIME.
Take the following example for instance.
A couple of months ago, PRIME Insurance received a call from an IT company that offers cyber security and software services. The people at the IT company had read an online blog about Cyber Liability Coverage, authored by Prime Insurance, and they were impressed. They requested a quote for their client – a condo association in NJ.
We shopped our broad network and presented a well-priced competitive quote for comprehensive cyber liability insurance to the IT company to forward on. Not long afterward, the condo association contacted us to bind the associated coverage which they found pleasing.
But as is often the case here, the scenario did not end with one customer experience.
Fast forward to the end of April when the same IT company called on our services once more to quote their own professional liability package as well.
Once again, one referral lead to the next for Prime Insurance – this time from our online presence that draws attention to the breadth of our knowledge, experience, resources and remarkable nationwide service.
Contact PRIME Insurance to experience the PRIME difference as well!

PRIME Insurance is an A++-rated agency that has won wide recognition from the industry, as well as the thousands of satisfied customers that we service with excellence. Winner of prestigious awards and appointed to do business with scores of the leading carriers, such as ASSURANT, GUARD, Liberty Mutual, Peerless, MiddleOak, Safeco, UPC, TRAVELERS, ZURICH and more, PRIME shops its broad network to bring you excellent policies at competitively lowest quotes. Find us RIGHT HERE, or contact us at 732-400-5242 or Prime [at] primeins [dot] com
Summary: There’s a reason why so many clients refer us here at PRIME Insurance Agency. Here’s just one example of how one satisfied customer brought on another one.
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