Volcanoes: Insurance Facts and More
- While volcano insurance is not available, those in risky spots should consider an all-risk policy that can cover related hazards that are excluded in a standard Homeowners insurance policy.
- Volcanoes are openings within the surface of the earth. Typically located in mountains, volcanoes release gas, hot magma and ash.
- Magma is the hot fluid within the volcano. After leaving the volcano, magma is known as lava.
- Lava reaches up to 1,250 degrees Celsius and has the ability to burn anything in its trail.
- Roughly 350 million people around the globe reside within a danger radius of active volcanic activity.
- Viewed as one of three classes, a volcano can be active, dormant or extinct. An active volcano is one that has steady activity, a dormant volcano has been active but is now still, and an extinct volcano has been inactive for so much time that it probably will not erupt in the future.
- Soil close to a volcano is rich and fertile; this may explain why people choose to reside in the area.
- In May of 2018, Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano erupted, leaving residents of the Big Island in devastation, with homes, vehicles and property extensively damaged and the further threat of looming volcanic explosion.

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Summary: Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano has brought losses, damages and heartache to the people of the Big Island and a focus on the topic of volcanic eruptions. Prime Insurance puts a spotlight on interesting related facts.
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