“I love parking meters,” said no one, I think.
Despite its unpopularity, here’s the thing that brightens up the sore point about the parking meter. In the event you arrive after your paid time has expired and actually receive a corresponding parking ticket, the violation will not reflect on your driving record and not cause your auto insurance premium to go up – if you pay by prescribed schedule!
RELATED: Valet Parking Problems
More fun facts here:
More from the Auto Insurance Experts on Parking Meters
Did you know?
- In mid-July of 1935, Oklahoma City became the first place in the world to institute the parking meter.
- The primary idea behind these meters was to keep workers who arrived early in the day from taking parking spots away from store customers arriving later.
- The initial parking meter rate was 5 cents per hour.
- The first related parking meter violation ticket was issued in Oklahoma City to a clergyman who claimed he had left the parked car briefly to exchange a bill into coins for the meter.
- The basic design for parking meters was used for over forty years.
- Today’s modern parking meters are powered by the sun and designed to accept credit cards or synchronize payment data from electronic devices.
- Many cities are switching to a more convenient license plate recognition payment form or option that allows drivers to type in plate numbers for payment verification.

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Summary: While parking meters may not be everyone’s favorite piece of technology, here’ some fun facts brought to you by your insurance friends to lighten the topic up.
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