Bumper stickers may seem like the ultimate way to getting a message across. After all, placing a sticker on a vehicle that travels from place to place certainly gives it multi-faceted exposure.
Here are some fun facts about it that you may not realize.
9 Fun Facts Related to the Bumper Sticker
- Before the invention of the automobile, business owners would communicate to the public by printing their advertisement on horse fly nets.
- The more sophisticated bumper sticker first appeared in the late 1920’s and was made out of metal or simple cardboard attached to a car by wire.
- By 1946, a Kansas printer fashioned the first adhesive type of bumper sticker.
- President Eisenhower’s election campaign made full use of bumper stickers to sway voters.

- Since then, bumper stickers are a key election campaign strategy.
- Many trucking companies have the support of auto insurance providers by requiring drivers to have a “How’s My Driving?” bumper sticker displayed together with a phone number.
- In Europe, drivers with oval bumper stickers must have up to three letter codes to distinguish country origin.
- Bumper stickers have become the subject of a free speech legal discussion.
- TN, AL and SC legislature forbids various types of obscene language or image.

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Summary: The bumper sticker has raised advertising and free speech to another level. Here are some related fun facts brought to you by Prime Insurance.
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