Carrying auto insurance for your vehicle is the law. If caught without it, you may be subject to a significant fine, a suspended license, all the financial consequences when you are involved in a collision and even jail time.
PRIME Insurance brings you some other facts that you ‘auto’ know!
8 Fun Facts about Auto Insurance
- Paying the auto insurance bill in one lump annual sum instead of spreading payment out in monthly installments will get you a cheaper overall premium.
- Most drivers do not save on insurance premiums by switching to direct insurance companies that broadcast cheaper driver rates.
- If you take your time in transferring ownership to the person you sold your car to, expect to continue getting insurance bills on the vehicle.
- Weighing the expense of purchasing a previously owned car or a new one? Factor in the more costly auto insurance premium associated with the vehicle that’s fresh out of the factory.

- Teachers and school employees in NJ may be able to enjoy significant auto insurance discounts.
- Based on auto accident statistics, teenage male drivers have always been given higher rates. Now HI, MA, MT, NC, PA and CA are setting an example for NJ, NY, CT and MD by banning auto insurance companies from scheduling premium-rates according to gender type.
- As the trend for legalizing recreational marijuana gains momentum in individual states, the risk for associated impaired driving is a concern that insurance companies share.
- Insurance companies offer discounts if you bundle your home and auto insurance together in a package deal.
Auto Insurance created for your needs: At PRIME, we’ve got one underlying theme - your needs, your situation, your satisfaction. It’s our trademark approach that has earned us the trust of drivers throughout the Tri-State area and yonder.

PRIME Insurance is a three-generation family-run independent agency. We’re proud to partner with many of the leading underwriters – recognized companies like ACE, AmTRUST, ASI, ASSURANT, CHUBB, CNA, Employers, FOREMOST, Liberty Mutual, MetLife, PROGRESSIVE, Safeco, StillWater, Travelers, THE HARTFORD, USLI, ZURICH and more. This gives us the ability to provide all forms of nationwide coverage and bonds at competitively lowest quotes. Visit us on our online insurance website or email us at PRIME [at] primeins [dot] com or call us at 732-886-5751 and HAVE A PRIME DAY™!
Summary: PRIME brings you some insurance fun facts that you ‘auto’ know!
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