Despite the elimination of lead in paint ingredients by the EPA in 1978, the risks still abound. Below are three different types of insurance that cover the related risks.
MORE: Lead poisoning in Brooklyn, NY properties and other states
Lead Paint Contamination Insurance
This type of insurance may be written on a stand-alone basis or it may be used to close a gap in a general liability policy that has lead paint contamination and pollution exclusions. Coverage can protect the following individuals:
- Property managers
- Property owners
- Landlords
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Lead Paint Removal Contractor Insurance
As of 1978, lead additives were no longer permitted in paint for residential and commercial properties. Nonetheless, Premises that were painted before that year has lead exposures due to the paint that chips and reveals prior layers of paint. Lead paint removal contractors take off previous layers of lead paint in order to get rid of troublesome lead scenarios.

Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Insurance
The EPA – US Environmental Protection Agency – requires certification for contractors or landlords that renovate, repair, or paint premises that was constructed before 1978. All related work outlined by the EPA must be done as per the EPA regulations so that lead contamination will not become a problem. The insurance coverage includes bodily injury, as well as property damage resulting from lead contamination in regard to the listed renovation work.
For more on lead risks and related insurance, contact an experienced independent agency.

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Summary: Lead was eradicated from all paints in 1978, but the exposure may still be there in structures constructed before the ordinance took effect. PRIME highlights the related insurance coverage.