A PRIME – Liberty Mutual Guide
Did You Know? According to a 2013 Ponemon Institute, Hartford Steam Boiler report
- -55 percent of small businesses have had a minimum of 1 data breach
- -72 percent of businesses were not able to completely restore their data
- -30 percent of businesses had one to 250 employees
- -44 percent of data breaches resulted from malicious or criminal attacks

Cyber insurance places an added shield on your existing Business Owners Policy. Liberty Mutual offers the following protection:
- Data Compromise Response Expense 1st-party fiscal coverage caused by a personal data breach. Coverage incorporates notification expenses, forensic costs, and crisis management with public relation services, as well as credit monitoring. Coverage also is in regard to regulatory and payment card industry fines and penalties that are imposed because of privacy laws.
- Data Compromise Defense and Liability 3rd-party liability and defense for losses caused by a personal data breach. Coverage incorporates expanded 1st-party coverage for costs related to restoration of data or system to its original state.
- Attack and Extortion
- Network Security Liability 3rd-party liability and defense for losses caused by a breach of sensitive or confidential business information of other parties. Coverage incorporates unintentional forwading of malware to other sources.
1st-party coverage for costs caused by a computer attack or extortion threat, incorporating data and system restoration, data restoration, loss of business income or business interruption, public relations services and cyber extortion.

PRIME Insurance is a 3-generation family-run independent agency that has won the admiration of the industry. We’ve been presented with numerous awards and been appointed to conduct direct business with more than 40 of the leading companies - big names such as ACE, ASI, ASSURANT, CHUBB, FOREMOST, Interboro, Liberty Mutual, MetLife, PROGRESSIVE, Safeco, StillWater, Travelers, USLI, UPC, ZURICH and so on.
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Summary: Businesses of all sizes are at risk for a cyber attack. Prime Insurance partners with Liberty Mutual to offer protective insurance options.
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