The subject of undocumented immigrants has prompted political debate and the resolve of President Trump to build a wall along the Mexican border.
Aside from all the problems related to the undocumented immigrant, auto insurance is a big one. Because it is all but impossible in most states for the illegal immigrant to obtain a driver’s license, getting car insurance is not an option. If an uninsured motorist who is an illegal immigrant gets into a car accident, he or she will find deep financial trouble, along with the risk of deportation.
US residents and citizens who find themselves involved in a car accident caused by an uninsured such as the above may have to foot the bill of associated losses and damages themselves, unless they have uninsured motorist insurance.
Who is the illegal immigrant? Here are the facts.
- Contrary to the belief of some, most immigrants in the US are lawfully allowed to live here.
- According to a 2015 Pew Research Center estimation, there were 11 million illegal immigrants residing in the US – a small drop from the 11.3 million in an estimated 2009 study.
- 80 percent stem from Mexico and other Latin American countries, while others come from China, India, Korea, Philippines and elsewhere.
- Eighty-six percent of undocumented immigrants have been residing within US borders for seven years or more.
- Among the United States workforce, 8 million are unapproved immigrants.
- CA, TX, FL, NY, NJ and IL shoulder the bulk of illegal immigrants: fifty-nine percent of those unauthorized to live in the US are residents of these states.
- To many, the illegal immigrant is a family member, a hard-working employee that works at a job others do not want, a human being seeking better living conditions than before. Others point out criminal activity, but like any cross-section of people, there are all types of individuals.

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Summary: What happens if I am involved in a car accident with an illegal immigrant who does not have auto insurance? This and other facts about the burning topic of undocumented immigrants are brought to the forefront by Prime Insurance.
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