If you are an interior designer, you are involved in many or all aspects of designing and synchronizing various forms of decorative expressions of a home, business or nonprofit organization. You client’s house, apartment, condominium, office or other property spaces are enhanced with color-schemes and furniture and fixture suggestions, along with other physical aspects inspired by your expert creativity and professionalism.
But what happens when you make a mistake that results in genuine or supposed financial loss to your customer?

Interior Designer’s Professional Liability
A Professional Liability Insurance policy can cover acts of negligence and errors and omissions that a designer makes when offering advice or performing decorative servicing to clients. This coverage will shield you and the company you own from potentially hefty legal expenses related to resolving a claim or lawsuit or paying your customer for damages you may be judged to be liable for.
For further information about professional liability coverage for the interior designer, call the insurance professionals at Prime.

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Summary: If you are an interior designer, it’s likely that you are an expert in the field of home and business décor. Unfortunately, human error can step in at any time, making you vulnerable to a claim. Prime Insurance highlights the importance of related professional liability insurance in this quick read.
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