Once upon a time, air travel was considered enjoyable. Travel insurance experts recognize it’s a difficult call in today’s world to find a traveler who feels that way. Aside from other more familiar travel woes, recent claims by passengers who have been forcibly taken off the plane or mishandled have led to widespread outrage against various airline companies.
As specific legal action related to airline actions continues to dominate insurance claims, some of the rights prescribed to airlines are listed below.
Why Airlines Remove Passengers
- An airline can delay or cancel a flight due to inclement weather, or government regulations.
- An airline can deny a passenger if he or she refuses to be searched for hidden weapons.
- An airline can reject a passenger if there is not clear ID or required travel documents.
- An airline can force a passenger off the plane if he or she hinders a flight staff’from performing duties or poses a safety hazard.
- An airline can force a passenger off if he or she lacks proper personal hygiene.
- An airline can reject a passenger if he or she is too big for the seat or cannot be buckled safely in due to size.
- Peanut and other types of allergies that put a passenger at risk can be grounds for removal off a plane.
- Inappropriate attire may be grounds for a passenger’s removal from a flight.
- An airline can remove a passenger that appears sick.
How to Complain about Airline Conduct
If you deem certain actions taken against you by an airline are unjustified, you can do the following:
- Try to resolve the issue at the airport.
- File your grievance by calling or writing the company head office.
- Post your complaint on social media for popular support and attention to your dilemma.
- File a complaint on the Department of Transportation’s online website.
For information about protective travel insurance options, contact the insurance experts at Prime.

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Summary: When can an airline deny a flight to a traveler? Prime Insurance highlights 9 legitimate reasons.
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