Say you’re an online retail furniture company. You are offered a deal to provide beds and mattresses to a detention center in TX. You decide to sell the furniture because not only does it makes good business sense in terms of profit, it will also gets migrant children the opportunity to sleep well. To your chagrin, there is another opinion on the matter: your employees decide to boycott your move by going on strike.
Sound familiar?
RELATED: does insurance shield a business from protestor damage?
While the circumstances surrounding the above situation may differ by industry, location, and event, organized worker strikes can happen to a business or industry at any time, causing production shutdowns, loss of income and other financial grief. This is the reason why the insurance companies provide ‘strike’ coverage.

Strike Coverage – What it is
Strike coverage is a business owner’s insurance policy that shields from the losses incurred when employees walk out and go on strike or create other employee scenarios that may impact the company they work for. Strike insurance is specialty coverage because most other types of business insurance do not protect the policyholder from employee actions such as these.
Strike coverage can be obtained separately from other business policies. If the insured business’s employees stage an ongoing strike, the related daily loss of income will be covered – up to the limits of the policy.
For more on the topic, speak to a commercial insurance professional with a network of the chief insurance underwriters.

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Summary: Teachers do it, hotel workers do, nursing home staff, nurses, taxi drivers, online retail employees and others also stage walkouts in protest of work conditions, pay and even moral considerations. Learn how businesses can protect themselves from related financial harm with strike insurance.
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