Commercial Insurance Coverage for Marine Transportation
Because a bridge is not an economic or probable feasibility in certain geographical areas, there is a need for ferry and other boat operations. These vessels carry human passengers, cargo or freight, and cars, trucks and other vehicles over oceans, lakes, bays and rivers. Boat operators can encounter all types of exposures, including crashes, as well as fire and climate-related losses.
RELATED: insurance for the boat manufacturer and dealer
Marine Transportation insurance protects commercial watercraft that travel over smaller bodies of water vehicles and generally function according to a set timetable, with some operating on a seasonal basis and others with optional touring cruises.
Marine transportation insurance applies to the following boat operators:
- Ferry boats
- Crew-supply boats
- Tour boats
- Pilot fellowships
- Law enforcers and firefighting boats
- Tug and barge boats
- Work boats
Ferry and marine operations require the following forms of coverage:
- Ocean Marine Hull
- Protection and Casualty (liability protection for property, auto, crime and business interruption)
- General and property liability for pier and land operations
- Workers comp for pier and onshore operations
- Inland Marine for property that can be moved from land to the ferry and vice versa
- Marine Umbrella (excess liability for auto liability, general liability, employers’ liability)
For more information pertaining to ferry boat and other forms of marine transportation, speak to an experienced insurance professional.

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Summary: Marine Transportation includes ferry boats and other vessels that carry people and goods. Prime highlights the various applicable forms of insurance coverage in this quick summary.