Close to 1 and a quarter million people are killed annually in auto accidents. Anyone who contemplates the statistic will understand the need to drive skillfully. Besides having proper auto insurance coverage, here are nine easy tips on how to navigate your way on the roads with safe finesse.
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Nine Ways to becoming a Safe Driver
- If possible, take a driving education course. If you are a new driver, it will educate you on proper procedures. If you have been driving for years, it will help you brush up on skills and practices you may have forgotten.
- Adhere to rules of the road. The legislatures have enacted driving laws after doing much research on how to make drivers, passengers and pedestrians safe.
- Use the 3-second rule when determining the safe distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you.
- Signal just before you make a turn so as not to create confusion for other vehicles on the road.
- Keep a focus on the road and the other drivers so you can react immediately to a change in pattern. Resolve not to distract yourself with anything but driving safely.
- Drive with more caution when it rains or snows.
- In severe weather, opt for public transportation or stay at home instead of driving.
- Though human instinct may tell you others practice patience when confronting an aggressive driver. Yield in the name of safety when someone else tailgates, swerves or exhibits angry driving.
And there’s one more thing we would be remiss not to point out. Driving safer can get you lower rates on your auto insurance premium. Speak to the insurance professionals for more on the topic.

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Summary: Whether you are a new driver or a seasoned one, here’s an easy read on safer driving techniques by the insurance professionals.
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