The supreme high-end driving experience - that’s what Mercedes, Range Rover, Roll-Royce, Bentley, Porsche, BMW, Audi, Lexus and other luxury cars are touted for. Although most cannot afford the steep purchase price, there is a strong market for the extravagant product of status among the wealthy.
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Prime Insurance focuses on fun facts that even those with a lower car purchasing budget can appreciate.
Ten Intriguing Things about High-End Vehicles

- The engine in a Ferrari car is upgraded to bring ‘music’ to the ears of owners by synchronizing the sounds from the air pipe to create a flute or organ-like hum.
- Italian businessman Ferruccio Lamborghini started off by manufacturing smaller agricultural tractors.
- As part of the reparations deal between Germany and Israel for the atrocities committed against Jews during World War II, the Mercedes-Benz car did not carry import duty tax.
- The Telsa Model S does not need to be tested outdoors. This is because they do not generate emissions.
- Before putting his landmark luxury sports car on the market, Lamborghini attempted to convince Enzo Ferrari to improve his luxury car brand, but Ferrari couldn’t bring himself to accept advice from a small tractor maker!
- Dubai is a country that is full of luxury cars that can outrun ordinary makes so the police department added Lamborghini, Ferrari and Bentley makes to help police chase after those who go beyond the speed limit.
- Germany’s famous Autobahn allows for high speed driving; among the highest recorded rates of speed was the 432 KPH driven in a Mercedes Benz in 1938.
- High profile philanthropist Bill Gates brought the luxury car Porsche 959 to the US thirteen years before it was legally approved for driving on the road.
- When Nizam of Hyderabad in India, came to London, England the sales people at the Rolls-Royce showroom didn’t recognize his royal prestige and questioned his ability to afford the luxury car. Singh snubbed them by paying for ten of the luxury cars, then shipping them to his country where they were used to collect garbage.
- Many high-end car buyers research and investigate the pros and cons of one brand over the other before making the big purchase, yet when it comes to insurance coverage they do not even know what type of protection they have and if it covers the expensive vehicle as it should.
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Summary: Not everyone can afford to buy a luxury car but everyone can enjoy these fun facts brought to you by the auto insurance professionals about high-end driving!
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