A PRIME Insurance - CNA Surety Update for NJ Bond Clients
NJ bond clients need to be aware of a new license bond requirement for Elevator Mechanics and ‘Moving Walkway’ Mechanics.
Effective September 30, 2018, it is a $10,000 bond. Moreover, the premium for the two-year bond will be rated at $175, without the need for any credit information.
In addition, the NJ Real Estate Appraiser Bond has been moved to ‘Grace Period’ status.
As more facts about this and other upcoming related new requirements are brought to the attention of the industry, bond customers can count on PRIME to continue keeping them customers informed and up to date.
To speak to an insurance specialist about your particular bond needs, be sure to contact us.

PRIME Insurance is a three-generation family-run independent agency. We’re proud to partner with many of the leading underwriters – recognized companies like ACE, AmTRUST, ASI, ASSURANT, CHUBB, CNA, Employers, FOREMOST, Liberty Mutual, MetLife, PROGRESSIVE, Safeco, StillWater, Travelers, USLI, ZURICH and more. This gives us the ability to provide all forms of nationwide coverage and bonds at competitively lowest quotes. Visit us on our online insurance website or email us at PRIME@primeins.com or call us at 732-886-5751 and HAVE A PRIME DAY™!
Summary: Bond clients need to know about a new license bond requirement in the State of NJ and other related new requirements. PRIME Insurance teams up with CNA to keep customers abreast of them.
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