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How to Safeguard Kids When on the Internet

Would you put your son or daughter in the driver’s seat of a car before teaching him how to drive? Would you allow him or her to drive without auto insurance?

Of course not!

Just as foolhardy, my friends, is allowing your child to navigate the wide world of the internet. Setting down hard and fast rules in regard to usage is your insurance that he or she will not be set on a dangerous collision course.

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What to Teach Kids about Responsible Internet Use

  • Think, Think and Think Again before Posting Anything Online
    Google underscores the thought by asking kids: “Would your grandparents be ok with what you’re about to post online?”

  • Share Opinions, Advice and Broad Information in a Civil Manner
    Always use appropriate and polite language when posting.

  • Avoid Posting Revealing Information
    Never share excessively personal information or photos.

  • Be Aware of Online Risk Exposure
    Never accept an online invitation before asking permission from parents.
  • Avoid Interacting with Negative People
    Never respond to a message that seems nasty. Instead block or report it to the website or the police authorities.

  • Utilize Defensive Tools
    Protect yourself with your computer’s privacy settings.

  • Screen the Image Projected About You
    Always be on guard about things others post in reference to you.

  • Keep an Open Dialogue with Your Parents
    Tell your parents about your internet activity, especially if you see something that may be illegal or risky.

  • Focus on What You Can Gain and What Good You Can Offer to Society
    Concentrate solely on the positive benefits of online activity.


Above and beyond the safety rules for kid’s is the parents' overall supervision. Never assume your child is safe on the internet. Monitor and limit usage. If feasible, block websites that are known to be unsuitable.

PRIME Insurance is an A++-rated agency that has been recognized by the industry and more than 10,000 satisfied customers that it services with excellence. Presented with prestigious awards and appointed to do direct business with scores of the top insurance companies, PRIME shops its broad network to deliver tailored policies at competitively lowest quotes.

Providing all forms of nationwide coverage, including NJ cheap auto insurance, low quote commercial umbrella insurance NJ,  flood insurance, NJ renters insurance, NJ homeowners insurance, NJ bonds, NJ workers comp, NJ life insurance and more, PRIME can be reached via its insurance website,  email: or direct phone number: 732-886-5751!

Summary: The advent of the internet poses serious risks for young people. Teach your kids the basic safety rules when using the internet with these important tips from PRIME Insurance Agency. 


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