A nuclear emergency is a potential reality that we need to come to terms with. This includes being prepared with a ready emergency kit consisting of:
- at least 14 days of non-perishable food and sealed water
- flashlights and batteries
- first-aid materials and medicine
- hand-powered radio
Next, comes being familiar with the safety procedures in the event a nuclear threat is genuine.
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5 Steps to Keeping Safe when there is Nuclear Danger
- Seek shelter that preferably is constructed out of dense concrete or brick.
- Underground shelters are more protective and will shield you from the intense heat created by a nuclear attack.
- Do not exit after the attack; moments following the attack are the deadliest, but the first fourteen days following the attack still pose grave risks.
- Follow instructions from authorities about when it is safe to leave the shelter and what areas to avoid.
- Seek medical attention if necessary.
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6 Steps to Protect Yourself if Caught Outside in Nuclear Danger
- Should you be outdoors during a nuclear attack, lie low on the ground, and close your eyes without peering at the associated ball of fire, as it can cause blindness.
- Seek shelter following the nuclear blast; once inside, remove all clothing and cleanse yourself with running water and soap, then change into fresh clothes.
- Place nuclear exposed clothing into an air-tight bag so radioactive dust cannot pass.
- Do not exit your shelter until instructed to do so by the authorities.
- Follow all directives of authorities about avoiding hazardous areas.
- Seek medical attention if necessary.
What about Nuclear Damage Insurance?
All insurance policies have exclusions for war and nuclear release. Nonetheless, there are home and business policies that do include direct losses resulting from fire caused by nuclear hazards. This means that, although the damages that are incurred by a direct nuclear explosion are not covered, fire, smoke or explosion loss resulting from the initial blast may be covered.
For more on the topic, contact an experienced independent insurance agency.

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With the US backing out of the Iran deal, the topic of a nuclear emergency raises questions about safety procedures and insurance coverage.
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