It happened to us just last week. After exiting a friend’s home, we started toward our car, parked by the curbside. Then, a neighbor yelled something and we found ourselves in the direct path of his barking large dog. Hearts pounding, we scrambled into our vehicle for safety, barely missing an episode as the targets of the pet’s ferocious attack.
I won’t get into my ensuing complaint to the authorities. Suffice it to say that unless the cops actually witness an attack, there is little they can do.
Of course the topic of dog bites, lawsuits and homeowners insurance claims only applies if there is an actual injury so we won’t get into that now either.
What we can focus on is a protective strategy. So here goes, folks.
Tips on Dealing with an Attacking Dog

If a dog comes charging at you, resist the urge to run away because this probably will encourage the dog to chase you.
Besides carrying pepper spray around to inhibit a charging dog, the following two courses of action are recommended:
a) Stand your ground and keep as stationary as possible, with your hands crossed in front of you. This should get the dog to turn away.
b) Slowly, back off without exhibiting fear while facing the charging dog. As soon as there is enough space between you and the animal, it is generally safe to turn around and continue on your way.
If, despite these tactics, the dog persists and jumps at you, continue putting on a composed façade, but turn away from him while keeping as still as possible. This way the dog will not aim for your face. In the event the dog pulls you down, fold yourself into a ball-like position, with bent knees and hands encircling your neck and stay still until the dog gives up.

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Summary: Aggressive dogs can put the bravest of souls on edge. Prime Insurance lists some tried and true tips on how to handle the situation and come out unscathed.
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