10 Things You May Find Amusing about Getting Behind the Wheel
- S Dakota law permits 14-year-old teenagers to drive a vehicle after passing their driving test.
- Drivers in Hungary need to take a first aid course prior to being issued a driving license.
- According to the Guinness World Records, Fred Hale S of New Sharon, Maine drove until he turned 104 in 1995.
- Japan compels drivers over the age of 75 to have a symbol on the back of their vehicle indicating they are a senior.
- Drivers that have a good record usually are rewarded with discounts on their insurance premium.
- The typical driver will spend the equivalence of two weeks’ time to wait at a red traffic light.
- Brazil’s driver’s trainer’s course includes self-defense in response to the frequent carjacking that occurs in the crime-ridden country.
- Back in the year 1902, automobiles had the speed capacity of 45 miles per hour, yet that’s precisely when a motorist was presented with the very first speeding ticket in history.
- The legendary auto manufacturer, Henry Ford, did not get his drivers license until he reached the age of 56.
- One of four cars around the globe is produced by Chinese manufacturers.

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Summary: Prime Insurance steers you to some interesting tidbits about drivers and driving.
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